Tuesday 28 April 2009

more pictures

just a quick up date. starting monday there is a new english teacher, so i will loose two of my classes and keep two. i have requested to get ride of my worst class where the students are a night mare and i will keep on of the best classes.

me and liyang looked at a new flat that has just been completed roughtly 10-15 seconds away from work. unfortunatly it was to small so we will stay in the current flat... the cat is wild and is scratching my in the mornings when i am trying to wake up.

any way apart from that all is well and teh city looks cleaner with no polution in the air.. :-)

below is a tipical picture of what liyang cooks 2 times a day, just out of view are 4 buns (manto) that are steam warmed and very taisty. the rice was couloured by blood i think and taisted the same, the otehre dishes, who knows. but they are good.

one of my lessons.. we walk round with a cut out of a person and stop- to look at that ever is on the card. and the kids shout it out,.,.,.,.,.,.,. can be interesting and good to kill some time

a school play, it didnt really end up going the way the teachers had planned it to. :-) such is life

a 1-2 year old getting instuctions from a mad english man on how to use a spoon.... first in one hand then the other then in niether hand then ask a chinese teacher what to do..

and lastly... right...... well..... below are pictures of a teaching dvd made by mcdonalds, also inclusive of advertisments and every thing you would expect.. (i think when ever you put money into those boxs in mcdonalds in england it gose to paying for videos like this for training kids, and making them want a cheesburger and fries....

Sunday 19 April 2009

Here are a few pictures.

Some of the cat and me and liyang.

A job i would not like to do.... he is 2 floors in the are on a small ledge with no support roads and a load of bikes below would not make a soft landing.

below are pictures of centery park, a nice park in all. the main park in the city.

below are some kids from the school

Monday 13 April 2009

a picture of the soft thing from below.....
police parsing battons helmets and shields to each other below the nursery. and a picture of nothing at all. :-)

Alos the top picture is of cotten that has invaded the city. see last post. :-D

Right well. below we have. 1 kid who put so much in his mouth he couldnt chew it and it stayed in his mouth for a while.

Wel have Tadpols in a water bottle... Not sure why or what will happen to the tadpols once they hatch.

and some sort of food liyang bought me.. i didnt dare to eat it. the warm squashy feeling betwean my fingers and the sight of it just put me off food.

Sunday 12 April 2009


well. hello every one.
i know its been almost a week since my last publish so i though i would update..

it is very very very very hot here now. i am sweeting over doing almost nothing. i think the polution seems to trap heat in, and the mountains on the horizon, seem to stop any drafts from blowing into the city..

i know have 4 classes a day to teach.

1 small littelens
2 littelens
3 pre kindergarten
4 kindergarten

the pre school room has been voncerted into small (1-2 year olds).
great fun :-) my first class with them is today, however tracy (a very good teacher) will be there to help me.

i was talking to another westoner over here and we got into talking about savings of money, he told me that if i wasnt to sure what i wanted to day in the next 5 years, any money i save i use to buy gold bullion from the an online site (like ebay).
if i decide to go back to england and the gmp has got stronger then i will be better off to buy gold now and sell it later. if i decide to stay in china and the value of the rmb has dropped then i will be looking at a little profit when i come to sell the gold. Charly has a a few 10gram bars at his house. and the current high value of the rmb mean the gold is relativly cheap compared to when he fist moved here. not such a bad idea....

any how i will try and get a picture up in the next few days, but the who city has a cotten like substance floating all over it. apparently it is like cotten (a school teacher told me) :-) hummm very informative. :-)

this last week nothing much has happend. liyang cant find work so i planted a seed in her head to be self employed, exporting to england or making things or providing some type of service. she seems to be happy searching chinese web site for things, then i get the list and search ebay uk and write down the price, looks like there isnt much to sell that cheaper at the moment (again rmb just to high agains the pound).
im sure she will find somthing good at some point, but in the mean time she is very buisy researching... she has found motorbikes that look good and are 350GBP brand new, not sure about export prices and taxs to be paid, but i have agreed to look into it at some point if there is nothing else to export.

good girl. see seems a lot happyer now, has a reason to get up, make food, buy more food, speand a few hour infront of the computer, go home and write details about products, then its my turn to spend 30mins looking up and writing prices. all very good.

speak soon

Tuesday 7 April 2009

A school trip.
we went on a school trip to see somthing, a big stone in the middle of a compound. see pictures below. either way while we were have a break and i was doing many pictures with many people and kids interested in the monkey, i noticed a large group of female police starting to congragate around us, and shoing massive amounts of interest in the childeren, forget the othere classes from our nersery, it was the class i was with that got the attention, see pics below, after many photos had been taken of the kids it was my turn, although only 2 pictures were taken of me that i noticed, one i hugged a police women and the othere was a sort of corner of the eye picture. very funny.... also many othere polce MEN. shouted hello as we walked around and many many school kids stoped and stared at me.. o the joys.

the big stone thing

While out on a seach mission for a windows xp cd. we came across a load of animals.
many dogs in card bord box's, little mouse type things running in wheels, rabbits in little cages, and one cat in a cage the size of the ones a baby rabbit was in.

The cat was infested with flee's. to many to count, the poor thing was shakeing in its tiny cage where ic count turn round or streth, when laying down (as there wasnt room to stand up) its head rested agains the bars.

I have said to my self a few times the next animal i get will be a dog. probaly a border collie. i did not intent to get a animal in china, and i would not have considered it if someone had said to me theres a cat in a cage at XXXX road. however the sight of this thing in the cage being misstreated, ofterent being nocked off its knee high box onto the floor, pulled heart strings. so i bought the thing. took it home, spent 2 hours washing it off getting ride of dirt, flees and other things.

finaly cleaned and dried the thing. gave it a little UHT milk (i know its not great) tryed to feed it some uncooked beef but it reclined. myself and liyang went out and did a little shoppihng spree while it was semi unconciouse on the sofa. i douted if it would survive, but bought it wiskers biskets and a bowl and all the bits and bobs. it did survive and while liyang hates animals she has now said that this cat is "ke ai" (Lovely) below is a pictue of it when it had been washed and dryed and was dead to the world. the green thing is the size of cage it was in.

i dont have a pic of it beofr i washed it as it was washed as soon as it came thougth the front door to stop the fleas escaping.... the flea's numbered around 70-90 there were loads. unfortunatly i cannot deworm it as they dont have dewormers for cats here (or at least that i found),

I chickend out of the dentist as my tooth became better overnight.... strange ???? i thought so to..... i have examend my mouth with a half pack of tooth picks and decided to go see the dentist after my next pay day. it looks like i will need a filling. thank god its cheap to go to the dentist here.